Tips » washingmachine

Tips » washingmachine

  • Laundry : How to take care of your clothes (to make them last longer) Laundry : How to take care of your clothes (to make them last longer)

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    We'd all love clothes that last forever and whose colors are still as bright as day one. Ahhh it would be so wonderful, but let's be realistic: the life of our clothing is far from being eternal. Whether it's a manufacturing problem or a simple tomato sauce accident (oops), the factor that has the greatest influence on the life of a garment is how you take care of it, more precisely, how you wash it. Keeping in mind that it is best to wash clothes of similar colors together, I'm sharing with you 3 tips for washing white and black!



    We've all had a black garment that has turned gray too quickly. My clothes being almost all black, through trial and error I have some tips to prevent fading while keeping the same detergent for every color.

    1. With black clothes, it's super important to avoid hot water. Cold water is your best ally to combat fading! If you put your clothes in the dryer, it's important not to leave them there longer than necessary because, as with hot water, heat is damaging in the long term. The best way to dry them is to let them dry in the open air! Yes with a could old-fashioned clothesline.

    2. Washing your clothes inside out is also very effective in slowing fading!


    1. The first time you put a black piece of clothes (or any dark color) in the washer, add a cup of white vinegar (or white wine vinegar) in addition to your detergent. The vinegar will help set the color in place.



    We've all experienced the frustration of seeing our favorite white sweater turn gray or yellow after a few washes. Before throwing it in the trash, or for your next white shopping spree, you'll want to try these three things!

    1. Use a washing powder. Detergents in powder or capsules contain bleaching agents that will help keep your clothes as white as possible! Another plus, they emit less surfactants (not good stuff) and therefore are a little better for the environment. In addition, they are easier to dose!

    2. Unlike black clothes, whites require hot water to prevent yellowing or becoming greyish.

    3. Add ¼ to ½ cup of baking soda  to your laundry. Baking soda will effectively enhance the effect of the detergent (and its cheap).


    Once your have these things in mind, remember that before doing anything, you should always look at the ticket on the garment because it's the best guide to maintain your garment. If the label suggests dry clean only ... there's a reason !! I'm the first to say "Bahhh, it can't be that bad if I put it on the gentle cycle, just once ..." Well yes, it can be serious! Even at delicate, your clothing could be weakened and will have a shortened lifespan.

    So there you go! if you follow these simple instructions, your clothes should stay brighter and last longer!

    We'd all love clothes that last forever and whose colors are still as bright as day one. Ahhh it would be so wonderful, but let's be realistic: the life of our clothing is far from being eternal. Whether it's a manufacturing problem or a simple tomato sauce accident (oops), the factor that has the greatest influence on the life of a garment is how you take care of it, more precisely, how you wash it. Keeping in mind that it is best to wash clothes of similar colors together, I'm sharing with you 3 tips for washing white and black!



    We've all had a black garment that has turned gray too quickly. My clothes being almost all black, through trial and error I have some tips to prevent fading while keeping the same detergent for every color.

    1. With black clothes, it's super important to avoid hot water. Cold water is your best ally to combat fading! If you put your clothes in the dryer, it's important not to leave them there longer than necessary because, as with hot water, heat is damaging in the long term. The best way to dry them is to let them dry in the open air! Yes with a could old-fashioned clothesline.

    2. Washing your clothes inside out is also very effective in slowing fading!


    1. The first time you put a black piece of clothes (or any dark color) in the washer, add a cup of white vinegar (or white wine vinegar) in addition to your detergent. The vinegar will help set the color in place.



    We've all experienced the frustration of seeing our favorite white sweater turn gray or yellow after a few washes. Before throwing it in the trash, or for your next white shopping spree, you'll want to try these three things!

    1. Use a washing powder. Detergents in powder or capsules contain bleaching agents that will help keep your clothes as white as possible! Another plus, they emit less surfactants (not good stuff) and therefore are a little better for the environment. In addition, they are easier to dose!

    2. Unlike black clothes, whites require hot water to prevent yellowing or becoming greyish.

    3. Add ¼ to ½ cup of baking soda  to your laundry. Baking soda will effectively enhance the effect of the detergent (and its cheap).


    Once your have these things in mind, remember that before doing anything, you should always look at the ticket on the garment because it's the best guide to maintain your garment. If the label suggests dry clean only ... there's a reason !! I'm the first to say "Bahhh, it can't be that bad if I put it on the gentle cycle, just once ..." Well yes, it can be serious! Even at delicate, your clothing could be weakened and will have a shortened lifespan.

    So there you go! if you follow these simple instructions, your clothes should stay brighter and last longer!
